Second Review of Scottish Parliament Boundaries

Our Second Review of the constituencies and regions of the Scottish Parliament commenced on 1 September 2022.

The review is required under the terms of the Scotland Act 1998 and will recommend constituencies, and regions, of similar electorate size while also taking account of local authority areas, special geographical circumstances, maintenance of local ties and any inconveniences caused by the alteration of the existing boundaries.

The review of constituencies will cover the 70 mainland constituencies. The constituencies of Na h-Eileanan an Iar, Orkney Islands and Shetland Islands are protected in legislation and so excluded from this review. The review of the regions will, however, encompass all 73 constituencies at the Scottish Parliament. The overall number of MSPs (129) is fixed in legislation and will not change as a result of this review.

The First Review reported in 2010 and the current boundaries have been used in the Scottish Parliament elections of 2011, 2016 and 2021.

We consulted on our Provisional Proposals for constituencies from 17 May to 17 June 2023. Following consideration of the representations received we held six local inquiries.

We consulted on our Revised Proposals for constituencies from 16 April to 15 May 2024. Following consideration of the representations received we held a local inquiry in Falkirk. 

We consulted on Further Proposals for constituencies and Provisional Proposals for regions from 26 September to 26 October 2024. Following consideration of the representations received we held local inquiries in Paisley and Whitburn. 

We are now consulting on Additional Proposals for seven constituencies and Revised Proposals for five regions. The consultation is for a statutory one-month period from 24 January to 24 February 2025. Further information on our proposals is provided below and to submit a comment on the proposals go to our consultation site.

We will submit a report to Scottish Ministers by 1 May 2025. If subsequently approved by the Scottish Parliament, the new boundaries will be effective at the next Scottish Parliament election, expected in May 2026.

Supporting and background information

Start of Second Review News Release | Electorate - Existing Constituency/ Region, Council Area, Ward | Guide to Second Review of Scottish Parliament Boundaries | Existing Scottish Parliament Constituency map


Review Stages

Additional Proposals – Constituencies and Revised Proposals – Regions (consultation 24 January – 24 February 2024)

News Release | Electorate - constituencies | Electorate - regions | GIS Data - Constituencies | GIS Data - Regions | Display Points 

Maps - Additional Proposals Constituencies: Almond Valley | Bathgate | Falkirk East and Linlithgow | Falkirk West | Paisley | Renfrewshire North and Cardonald | Renfrewshire West and Levern Valley

Maps - Revised Proposals Regions: Central Scotland and Lothians West | Edinburgh and Lothians East | Glasgow | South Scotland | West Scotland

Local Inquiry - Provisional Proposals Regions and Further Proposals Constituencies (November - December 2024)

Local Inquiries - News Release Paisley and Whitburn Local Inquiries | Paisley Report | Paisley Transcript | Whitburn Transcript | Whitburn Report

Further Proposals – Constituencies and Provisional Proposals – Regions (consultation 26 September – 26 October 2024)

News Release | Electorate | Summary Booklet - Regions | Summary Booklet - Constituencies | GIS Data – Constituencies | GIS Data - Regions | Display Points | Meeting Paper Index

Further Proposals Constituencies – Maps

All Scotland | All Scotland Central Belt | Aberdeen Deeside and North Kincardine | Airdrie | Almond Valley | Cumbernauld and Kilsyth | East Lothian Coast and Lammermuirs | Edinburgh Central | Edinburgh North Eastern and Leith | Edinburgh North Western | Edinburgh Northern | Edinburgh South Western | Edinburgh Southern | Erskine, Renfrew and Cardonald | Glasgow Anniesland | Glasgow Baillieston and Shettleston | Glasgow Cathcart and Pollok | Glasgow Central | Glasgow Easterhouse and Springburn | Glasgow Kelvin and Maryhill | Glasgow Southside | Inverness and Nairn | Linlithgow | Paisley | Renfrewshire West | Rutherglen and Cambuslang | Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch | Uddingston and Bellshill

Provisional Proposals Regions - Maps

Central Scotland | Glasgow | Highlands and Islands | Lothian | Mid Scotland and Fife | North East Scotland | South Scotland | West Scotland


Local Inquiry - Revised Proposals - Constituencies (22 August 2024)

Falkirk Local Inquiry News Release | Transcript | Sheriff Principal Report

Revised Proposals - Constituencies (consultation 16 April - 15 May 2024)

Revised Proposals: News Release | Constituency Electorate | Summary Booklet | GIS Data

All Scotland | All Scotland - Central Belt | Aberdeen Central | Aberdeen Donside | Aberdeen South and North Kincardine | Aberdeenshire East | Aberdeenshire West | Airdrie | Angus North and Mearns | Angus South | Argyll and Bute | Ayr | Banffshire and Buchan Coast | Bathgate | Caithness, Sutherland and Ross | Carrick, Cumnock and Doon Valley | Clackmannanshire and Dunblane | Clydebank and Milngavie | Clydesdale | Coatbridge and Chryston | Cowdenbeath | Cumbernauld and Kilsyth | Cunninghame North | Cunninghame South | Dumbarton | Dumfriesshire | Dundee City East | Dundee City West | Dunfermline | East Kilbride | Eastwood | Edinburgh Central | Edinburgh Eastern, Musselburgh and Tranent | Edinburgh North Eastern | Edinburgh North Western | Edinburgh Northern | Edinburgh South Western | Edinburgh Southern | Erskine and Cardonald | Ettrick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire | Falkirk North | Fife North East | Galloway and West Dumfries | Glasgow Central | Glasgow Eastern | Glasgow North Eastern | Glasgow Northern | Glasgow South Eastern | Glasgow Southern | Glasgow Western | Hamilton, Larkhall and Stonehouse | Inverclyde | Inverness and Nairn | Kilmarnock and Irvine Valley | Kirkcaldy | Linlithgow and Falkirk South | Livingston and Breich Valley | Lothian Eastern | Mid Fife and Glenrothes | Midlothian North | Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale | Moray | Motherwell and Wishaw | Paisley | Perthshire North | Perthshire South and Kinross-shire | Renfrewshire West | Rutherglen | Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch | Stirling | Strathkelvin and Bearsden | Uddingston and Bellshill


Local Inquiry - Provisional Proposals - Constituencies (December 2023 - January 2024)

Local Inquiries - News Release Venues and Timings

Musselburgh Local Inquiry: TranscriptSheriff Principal Report

Kilmarnock Local Inquiry: TranscriptSheriff Principal Report

Clydebank Local Inquiry: Transcript | Sheriff Principal Report

Johnstone/ Newton Mearns Local Inquiry: TranscriptSheriff Principal Report

Edinburgh Local Inquiry: TranscriptSheriff Principal Report

Peebles Local Inquiry: TranscriptSheriff Principal Report

Provisional Proposals - Constituencies (consultation 17 May - 17 June 2023)

Provisional Proposals: News Release | Summary Booklet | Constituency Electorate | GIS Data

All ScotlandAberdeen CentralAberdeen DonsideAberdeen South and North KincardineAberdeenshire EastAberdeenshire WestAirdrie, Newmains and ShottsAngus North and MearnsAngus SouthArgyll and ButeAyr Banff and Buchan CoastBathgate and Almond ValleyBearsden, Milngavie and Clydebank NorthBellshill and CoatbridgeCaithness, Sutherland and RossCarrick, Cumnock and Doon ValleyClackmannanshire and DunblaneClyde Valley and TweeddaleCowdenbeathCumbernauld and ChrystonCunninghame NorthCunninghame SouthDumbarton and HelensburghDumfriesshire Dundee City EastDundee City WestDunfermlineEast KilbrideEast LothianEdinburgh CentralEdinburgh EasternEdinburgh Forth and LinlithgowEdinburgh Northern and LeithEdinburgh PentlandsEdinburgh SouthernEdinburgh WesternEttrick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire |  Falkirk EastFalkirk WestFife North EastGalloway and West DumfriesGlasgow AnnieslandGlasgow Cardonald and PollokGlasgow Central and GovanGlasgow Kelvin and MaryhillGlasgow Priesthill and GiffnockGlasgow Shettleston and BailliestonGlasgow Southside and CathcartGlasgow Springburn and ProvanHamilton and UddingstonInverclyde Inverness and NairnKilmarnock and Irvine ValleyKirkcaldy Kirkintilloch and KilsythLarkhall and ClydesdaleLivingston Mid Fife and GlenrothesMidlothian North and MusselburghMidlothian SouthMoray | Motherwell | Paisley and RenfrewPerthshire NorthPerthshire South and Kinross-shireRenfrewshire SouthRenfrewshire WestRutherglen | Skye, Lochaber and BadenochStirling